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Art Sculpture Moving Image
Social engagement

Brother Walfrid Veil
Community project to create veil for Brother Walfrid Unveiling ceremony.

Dig Art! 2015 Banners
Banners created from national competition for archaeological images, 2015.

The Tempest
Directed play at Ramshorn Theatre with professional and non-professional actors.

Govan Community
Worked with community of Govan over an eighteen month period.

Govan Film
The filming of 'Fashioned Earth' at Govan Old Parish Church.

Holst's Orrery
Residency with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain.

Worked with homeless men and women from the Wayside Day Centre weekly for six years culminating in residency and exhibition at CCA.

Residential Arts New Lanark
Directed multimedia arts workshops at New Lanark for children.

Inverclyde artist in residence.
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